30 images Created 14 Feb 2017
At the border of EU
At the border of Estonia Narva face Ivangorod, his Russian twin city on the other side of the river. In this city of more than 60 000 inhabitants, 97 % of the population is Russian-speaking.
During the war, Narva is almost totally destroyed. The Soviet Empire rebuild the city, move Russian workers and forbids the Estonian people to return there. Today, 25 years after the restoring of the Estonia independence and two years after the crisis in Crimea, the Russian-speaking community is the object of all the attentions. If almost all our interlocutors exclude an Ukrainian scenario, the balance between both communities is not less precarious.
During the war, Narva is almost totally destroyed. The Soviet Empire rebuild the city, move Russian workers and forbids the Estonian people to return there. Today, 25 years after the restoring of the Estonia independence and two years after the crisis in Crimea, the Russian-speaking community is the object of all the attentions. If almost all our interlocutors exclude an Ukrainian scenario, the balance between both communities is not less precarious.